发表于 2024-8-14 21:15:32
IP:北京 | Edg | Windows 10
Building Blocks: Village
It takes a village!
Minecraft’s Overworld is beautiful, but without the people living in it, it would be a little dull. In fact, that’s how it was in the game’s earliest days – a near-endless Overworld with only trees and the occasional chicken for company. Some say it was better then. But not me – I love the diversity and life brought to the landscape by the occasional bustling village.
Villages first popped up in Java Edition Beta 1.8 in September 2021, and they originally only generated in plains and desert biomes. When first added, villages were empty – and they were originally going to be populated by pigmen. But the pigmen got moved to the Nether, and instead villagers moved in in version 1.0, the Adventure Update. They’ve been upgraded many times since, most notably in the Village & Pillage update in April 2019.
2021年9月,Java Edition Beta 1.8首次出现了村庄,它们最初只在平原和沙漠生物群落中产生当第一次添加时,村庄是空的——它们最初将由养猪户居住但猪人搬到了虚空,村民们搬到了1.0版本的冒险更新中自那以后,它们已经升级了很多次,最明显的是2019年4月的Village&Pillage更新
I would guess that most Minecraft players will have stumbled across a village at some point in their travels. They’re found in plains, savanna, taiga, meadows, snowy plains, and desert biomes – and the biome dictates the look of the village. Oak and cobblestone in the plains, spruce in the taiga, sandstone in the desert.
Different villages can be very different – some larger, some smaller, and all with a different collection of tradespeople that range from farmers to blacksmiths to clerics to cartographers to nitwits. You’ll also usually find animals belonging to the village, and often an iron golem that protects the population.
The best reason to visit a village is for trade. Villagers often have raw material needs that only outsiders can fulfil, and they’re willing to pay for those goods in emeralds. You can then use those emeralds to buy things off other villagers – including rarities like enchanted books and chainmail armour. As you trade with a villager, they’ll level up – and so the more you trade, the more interesting items can be obtained.
Image Credit: Fathzer // CC BY-SA 2.0
图片来源: Fathzer // 知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 2.0
You’ve probably noticed that villages exist in the real world too, though with a larger population than the ones in Minecraft. Exactly numbers vary depending on where in the world you’re talking about, but a village on Earth usually houses somewhere between a few hundred to a few thousand people.
Historically, it was most common to find permanent villages within farming communities – and for thousands of years they were home to a majority of the world’s population. Gathering people together in a village allowed for easier sociability and defence, but without so many people that infectious disease could become a serious risk.
It wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution that factories and mills began to draw people to live together in larger numbers, and many villages began to grow into towns and cities. Today, more people on Earth live in cities than anywhere else. But in Minecraft? No cities – villages are still where it’s at. All we need to do now is just hope that the villagers don’t kick off an industrial revolution...

【小浩 译自Duncan Geere 2024 年 8 月 1 日发布的 Building Blocks: Village】