发表于 2024-8-27 14:01:55
IP: | Edg | Windows 10
中文名: |
随机传送 |
英文名: |
SupperTeleportv |
前置插件: |
无前置插件 |
适用服务端: |
spigot |
插件类型: |
娱乐 |
支持版本: |
1.11 1.12 |
来源: |
转载 |
原帖地址: |
https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/1-11-1-12-%E3%80%87-s-u-p-p-e-r-teleport-%E3%80%87-simple-warp-home-plugin.98110/ |
下载地址: |
https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/1-11-1-12-%E3%80%87-s-u-p-p-e-r-teleport-%E3%80%87-simple-warp-home-plugin.98110/ |
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S.U.P.P.E.R TELEPORT将玩家发送到当前玩家世界中的随机位置。
Warps, home system., Warp's gui

复制代码 隐藏代码
Warps: '1': Icon: WOOL Data: 1 Name: '&61' Description: - '&7Description' - '&aSupper idol' World: world X: -2270 Y: 64 Z: -9368指令Wild:将玩家发送到一个随机的地方。
home [go/set]:转到或将玩家位置设置为玩家的主页。
warp [go/set/remove]:转到或将玩家位置设置为传送。 权限teleport.home。[set/go]:允许使用 /home [set/go]
teleport.warp.[set/go/remove]:允许使用 /warp [set/go/remove]
teleport.wild:允许使用 /wild config.yml 复制代码 隐藏代码
#Delayed time before teleporting!Teleport_delay: 3 #per seconds#max x, z when using wild commandMax_range: 10000 #mean -10000 to 10000#Cooldown for wild commandCooldown: 30Default_icon: warp: SIGNMessages: only_player: '&cOnly player can do that!' no_permission: '&cYou do not have permission to do that!' home_gone: '&aGo home!' home_setted: '&aHome has been setted!' warp_gone: '&aGo to &6<w> &awarp' warp_setted: '&aSetted your location to &6<w> &awarp' warp_removed: '&aRemoving &6<w> &awarp' warp_not_exist: '&c<w> is not exist' wild: '&aTeleport completely!' on_cooldown: '&cCommand is on cooldown!' on_delay: '&aPlease wait a few moment... Do not move &6(<t>s)' on_cancel: '&cTeleporting was canceled because your moving!'